The Internet starts here. PT. KONEXINDO UNITAMA, The Internet starts here at PT. Konexindo Unitama. SYSTIMAX Fiber Optic cables and broadband cables from COMMSCOPE in Jakarta Indonesia

The Internet starts here at PT. Konexindo Unitama. PT. KONEXINDO UNITAMA is an authorized Commscope Broadband cable distributor in Indonesia. Blazing broadband that’s right at home Subscriber expectations of high-speed data networks are increasing. 100 percent uptime is the new standard. For service providers, the pressure is on to deliver flawless performance—and even more so in a multidwelling unit (MDU) environment. Without high-performance, on-site connectivity components, operators compromise the value of their advanced headend equipment. CommScope helps ensure that doesn’t happen. Our residential solutions, like HomeConnect®, deliver superior performance from every component in the RF path, including coax 75 ohm drop cables, splitters, ground blocks, interconnects and amplifiers. Visit us: Jl. Tanjung Selor No. 1B Jakarta, Indonesia DKI , 10150 Call/ Fax us: T: +6221 6386 0933 F: +6221 6386 0...